
The Second Amendment to the Constitution protects a law-abiding citizen’s right to possess a firearm. People possess firearms for a variety of reasons: some people like to target shoot; some people enjoy hunting and most gun owners like to be prepared should an intruder make the unfortunate decision to enter your home in the dead the night.

New Hampshire gun laws are fairly liberal. New Hampshire is a “constitutional carry” state. In 2017 the New Hampshire legislature passed a law making it legal to carry a concealed, loaded gun without a license. Anyone who can legally possess a gun under State and Federal law may carry concealed provided you are at least 18 years old, not a felon, or otherwise prohibited from possessing a firearm. You do not need a purchase permit to buy firearms in New Hampshire. You do, however, need to complete a criminal background check when purchasing from a federally or state-licensed dealer. A firearms permit will exempt you from this check.

Beware that one cannot carry a gun into the courts and schools within the State of New Hampshire.

Felon in Possession of a Firearm

Your right to possess a firearm is not absolute. It is illegal to have a gun or other deadly weapon if you’ve been convicted of a felony drug crime or a felony against a person or property. Further, it is a felony-level offense to attempt the purchase a firearm knowing that you are already a convicted felon. Individuals who are subject to a court protective order, or restraining order, are required to surrender all firearms and ammunition. Similarly, it’s a standard bail condition that the accused does not possess a firearm, ammunition, or another deadly weapon. Contact our gun crime lawyer if you need legal help by filling out our free contact form or giving us a call at 978-314-4950

What do I do if charged with a gun crime?

If you are facing charges related to the possession of a firearm you need to speak with an experienced gun crime defense lawyer in Nashua, NH. The potential penalties for a criminal offense are significantly ramped up when a firearm is involved. If a person commits any felony while armed with a firearm, he is subject to an enhanced sentencing penalty of up to 20 years in prison. Similarly, if a firearm is used in the commission of a federal crime the penalties under the sentencing guidelines become much more severe.

A gun charge is extremely serious – You need to take immediate action. Our gun crime attorneys from Hayes defend clients charged with all types of gun crimes including representing those charged with being a Felon in Possession of a Firearm, Negligent Storage of a Firearm, Giving False Information in a Firearms Application, Reckless Conduct involving a Firearm and other crimes wherein a firearm is utilized.

Not only is Attorney Hayes experienced and, simply amazing, he doesn’t overcharge clients like other Main Street law firms. Our criminal defense attorneys offer reasonable payment plans and believe everyone is entitled to a vigorous defense.