Nashua Sex Crimes Lawyer
Top Rated Sex Crimes Attorneys in Nashua, NH
Being accused of a sex-crime is horrific. If convicted, you face a very lengthy prison sentence and possible lifetime registration as a sexual offender. Your life and reputation are in jeopardy of being completely destroyed. A sex crime conviction will follow you the rest of your life. It is vital that you contact a highly skilled criminal defense lawyer if you are facing a sex crime.
Attorney Hayes knows how to build a strong aggressive defense.
Building And Presenting A Strong And Aggressive Defense
Attorney Hayes leaves no stone unturned. Building a defense includes utilizing experienced investigators to locate witnesses and speak with witnesses, conduct research and thorough background investigations of all potential witnesses. Often times our investigation starts where law enforcement’s investigation stopped.
Common Defenses
Each sex case presents a unique fact pattern. The defense is constructed based on the particular nuanced facts presented. At the very outset Attorney Hayes reminds the jury that the State bears the burden of proving, beyond a reasonable doubt, that a sexual assault occurred. Attorney Hayes will often argue that no sexual assault occurred whatsoever and that the alleged victim lacks credibility. For example, perhaps the alleged victim has provided inconsistent statements to numerous people (said one thing to the police and another thing to a friend). Perhaps the alleged victim told one version to the police, one version to friends and plastered yet a 3rd version of events all over social medial. Attorney Hayes is skilled at raising reasonable doubt.
Consent is a defense to some types of sexual assault allegations. Yes, sex occurred between the parties but it was consensual. Sometimes a victim may allege that a sexual assault occurred “after the fact” – the alleged victim has “buyer’s remorse” the next day. Perhaps the alleged “victim” was in a committed relationship with another person and is now lying in an attempt to cover-up the affair. Perhaps the alleged “victim” isn’t a victim at all – parents or well-meaning friends convince the person that a sexual assault occurred when, in reality, that was not the case.
Sometimes stranger sexual assault cases involve the use of photo line-up or ‘show-up’ identification methods or involve the discovery, collection and use of scientific evidence such as DNA or fiber analysis. Other times aspects of a sexual assault investigation may consist of law enforcement searching cell phones, tablets and other electronic devices and/or associated records that place a suspect at a certain point at a certain time. A skilled sex crimes lawyer will cast doubt on the scientific or forensic evidence.
Attorney Hayes represents clients who are facing all types of sex crimes including:
- Aggravated Felonious Sexual Assault
- Felonious Sexual Assault
- Statutory Rape
- Indecent Exposure
- Prostitution
Our Nashua Sex Crimes Lawyers Are Here To Help
If you are facing an allegation that you committed a sex offense it is important that you seek a highly skilled sex crimes defense lawyer. Attorney Hayes offers free consultations and is here to help.