What Is Prostitution?
New Hampshire authorities take a dim view of prostitution. Those who “solicit” or “agree to perform” sexual acts in return for compensation have committed the crime of prostitution. Additionally, those who transport another person for the purpose of engaging in prostitution will also face prostitution charges. The prostitute typically receives compensation in the form of money or other goods, such as drugs in exchange for sex acts. Generally, Prostitution is sought to be exploitative and demeaning to sex workers. Opponents to legalization argue that prostitution breeds and promotes violence, drug use, and human trafficking and inevitably leads to serious health issues.
What is a Defenses To Prostitution?
Prostitution cases present differing factual scenarios. No two crimes are alike. A prostitution attorney in Nashua, NH will adopt the best defense based on the specific facts of the case.
One possible defense is entrapment. Entrapment occurs when a police officer has urged or induced a person to commit a sexual act. Consider this hypothetical: Marc is spending his day sitting on a park bench. A male walks up to Marc and asks Marc to show his genitalia in exchange for $10. The person keeps asking and asking. Marc happily obliges, always willing to display his genitalia and make an easy $10. Unbeknownst to Marc, however, the person making the $10 payment is an undercover police officer. At trial, Marc’s lawyer may argue that he would not have engaged in the behavior had the officer not been so persistent.
Alternatively, a prostitution lawyer may argue that there is simply insufficient evidence to support the prostitution charge – you had no intention whatsoever to engage in prostitution or that the situation was one of two people simply engaging in sex. Sometimes the proof that the State presents is inadequate to conclude, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the accused was engaged in prostitution.
Hire a Nashua Prostitution Defense Lawyer
People face horrible consequences when charged and convicted of prostitution. You face up to a year in jail and a general public shaming. Your name will be splashed in the local papers. You very well may not land your dream job once your prospective employer views your criminal record. Worse yet, your employed may fire you after discovering you were arrested for prostitution. If you have been arrested and charged with prostitution you need to seek the services of an experienced sex crime lawyer.
Schedule A Free Consultation at Hayes Law Firm, PLLC
Being charged with prostitution is serious. At Hayes Law Firm, PLLC, we have worked discreetly with many clients accused of prostitution or solicitation and help them beat those charges in court or have the charge amended to something less serious. We can do the same for you. Call us at 978-314-4950 or fill out our free consultations form.